Friday, November 21, 2008

Thankful for....

I thought I'd just write about a few of the many blessings in my life. It's been a year filled with happiness, hardship and hope. Thank you to those of you have encouraged me to write this blog - I apprecate the support. TMSW has been a really great outlet for me and I'm grateful for that.

Thank you:

DC for your love and for making me laugh during good times and bad. I have a feeling 2009 is going to be our best year yet.

MMA for being my other half. You have no idea the positive impact you have on my life, everyday.

SDA and TA for being two incredible parents who do a fantastic job making their kids laugh

I'm grateful for the amazing friends and family DC and I have. We're blessed with people who care so much. I'm thankful for our jobs, our health, the home DC and I have made and the dog we both ridiculously love. This year I made new friends in Cali and I'm thankful for them and the role they've played in making 2008 a good year. Here's to a good 2008 and an even better 2009.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Mona said...

Dido. I am so thankful for you. xoxo