Friday, October 10, 2008

Now What?

Early on, I told myself I wouldn't whine about politics and the market here at Tell Me Something Wonderful. I must confess however that I'm having a hard time taking my eyes off the the downward zigzag of today's indexes. I had originally planned to get some workout clothes at Lululemon today but it looks like I'm off to Ross instead. I really need to stop thinking about the market, I'm doing my best to save where I can and I know DC is too. We'll just have to ride the wave and have faith that we'll be out of this soon. I would like to say though that while the market is down we are still doing much better than in the 1920's. On Black Monday, Dow Jones fell to less than 100 points. We're close to 8,500 points which isn't where we were a year ago but we'll get there. Plus, there are more important things to be concerned with right now. Here are just a few:

1. Red River Shootout (It's 12:47 pm and OU still sucks)
2. Fleet Week in San Francisco! (I feel confident MMA will meet her match this weekend)
3. Bailey is alive and well after a touch and go situation last month
4. We only have 42 more days until the week of Thanksgiving
5. Gas prices are down! (just try to appreciate it for what it is and not think about why)

One last thing keeping me on my A game today: Online Tarot reading! My mom sent me a link this morning and according the three cards I picked I have a lot to look forward to.
1. I will soon see family members that I haven't seen in a while (next weekend I'm off to Reno!)
2. I will soon experience fame and fortune!
3. A promotion is in the works....


Mona said...

I hope so! How hot would that be? lol

nada said...

You are the best - thanks for always leaving me comments :)